Feng Shui decor is an ancient Chinese practice that helps people create an atmosphere that is prosperous, balanced, and overall healthier. Feng Shui produces harmonious and energetically-balanced environments. Change is not only essential for your health, it’s part of what helps the progression of life into meaningful experiences.
Living Up to Bessie Coleman
Bessie Coleman was the first African American Woman licensed to pilot an aircraft defying racial and gender barriers in 1921. Her story lives on with the academy she wanted to open up, but unfortunately died before carrying it out.
Living Up to Phillis Wheatley
February is not only about Valentine’s Day, chocolate, advocacy for the heart (American Heart Month), or the latest pop trend from Parks & Recreation, Galentine’s Day. This is a time to enhance our knowledge of the African Americans who helped shape this country and have been nearly missing from school history books.
A Journey Towards Personal Growth and Self-Improvement
Life is a constant journey of growth and change. It is through embracing these changes that we can unlock our true potential. Whether it’s stepping out of our comfort zones, taking on new challenges, or learning from past experiences, personal growth requires us to be open to change and willing to adapt.