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Innate magnificence of the beauty of nature

Immersing ourselves in the natural beauty of our world isn’t just a way to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life; it’s a pathway to enriching the wellness of our body, soul, and mind.

We find in nature’s tapestry, from the tranquil emerald forests to the majestic mountains reaching for the sky, a true sanctuary to our souls, allowing a deeper connection with our subconscious to meet the essence of our existence.

In addition to the benefits of nature to ourselves, there is an intellectual benefit in learning how we can preserve the world in its beauty, working on the importance of forests and water conservation, and bringing into high importance the link between nature and people.

According to Nimra Basit, without nature, we simply wouldn’t be. That’s the way I understood her message. Stating that essential elements of living, such as fresh air, water, and earth for our foods, and commonly ignored aspects of nature, such as aromas, colors, and textures, stimulate our senses in a variety of ways.

Living Up Innate Magnificence of the Beauty of Nature

The simple act of being outdoors, breathing in the fresh, unpolluted air, listening to the melodic symphony of birds, or feeling the gentle caress of the wind, can invigorate our physical health, reducing stress and bolstering our immunity.

It’s a spiritual encounter, too, encouraging a meditative mindset that fosters inner peace and clarity. This immersion in the natural world pulls us back from the brink of our fast-paced, technology-driven lives, reminding us of the fundamental pleasures that lie in the simple act of just being.

You can start your nature involved journey by taking hiking trails and camping trips, there are many beautiful places to take short trips, and to prepare you may want to stock up with camping and hiking gear, it serves two purposes, gets your mind imagining what it will be like to take a trip and gets you excited about enjoying nature.

Living Up Natural Beauty of Nature collage of 5 nature pictures

Moreover, engaging with nature makes us happier. Greater Good Magazine from Berkeley University states that “a large body of research is documenting the positive impacts of nature on human flourishing—our social, psychological, and emotional life.” (Green, Keltner 2017) The beauty and serenity of natural environments trigger positive emotions, promoting a sense of joy and gratitude. This happiness is profound, rooted in the deep acknowledgement of our part in a larger, magnificent ecosystem. 

Some of the important benefits of nature to humans include:

  • The food we grow is necessary for our cell generation.
  • Fuel that we obtain from natural resources such as power through electricity.
  • Forests and smaller green areas in cities that provide fresh air.
  • Stimulation of our senses for holistic wellness.
  • Natural environments such as beaches, hike paths, and lakes that are crucial for our well-being.
  • Explore and discover platforms to maintain our natural curiosity.
  • Learning about our world and the species we share it with.
  • An exceptional place to carry out exercises such as hiking, jogging, and playing.
  • Overall improvement of our mood and reduction of stress.
Living Up Gifts from Nature collage of 2 nature pictures

Ultimately, embracing the natural beauty around us is not just a journey through the aesthetic wonders of the earth but a profound commitment to the holistic wellness of our body, soul, and mind. Additional sources on this topic can be found in widely discussed articles in scientific studies, wellness blogs, and articles on topics related to the benefits of nature’s impact on the body, our mind, and spiritual well-being.

Where to find resources to continue learning.

    1. Scientific Journals: Look for articles in journals related to psychology, environmental studies, or public health that discuss the benefits of nature on human well-being.
    2. Wellness and Health Blogs: Websites focused on wellness, health, and lifestyle often publish articles on the benefits of spending time in nature.
    3. Books on Nature and Wellness: Numerous authors have explored the relationship between nature and human health. Goodreads Choice Award Nominee books such as “The Nature Fix” by Florence Williams dive deep into this subject.
    4. Documentaries and Talks: Platforms like TED Talks, Netflix, and YouTube feature documentaries and talks on how nature affects our health and happiness.
    5. Official Health Organizations: Websites of organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) sometimes provide guidelines and research on the health benefits of nature.
Living up generic image of quotes

The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it. 

– Albert Einstein


Basit, Nimra. (15 September 2023). 15 Reasons Why Nature Is Important. Curious Desire.

Green, Kristophe. Ketner, Dacher. (1 March 2017). What Happens When We Reconnect With Nature. Mind & Body Articles and More, Greater Good Magazine. 

NET. (2021). Why Is Nature So Important For Humans? National Environmental Treasure. 

Albert Einstein quote thanks to 

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